
How to Become a Homeowner on a First-Time Buyer’s Budget

It’s not easy being a first-time home buyer right now. At the end of last year, housing affordability hit an all-time low.1 Additionally, mortgage rates have risen significantly since 2021, while inventory remains tight for many property categories, but especially for starter homes. Even lower-priced condos are harder to snag these days, as investors and downsizers muscle out first-timers by offering stronger, often cash-heavy bids.2 

As a result, many first-time home buyers are finding that they need to get creative to afford a home or risk renting for longer than they planned. If you, too, are struggling to afford homeownership, here are some workarounds to consider as you plot your first home purchase.

1. Try House Hacking

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Stress-Free Home Cleaning: 27 Practical Tactics for Busy Households

Keeping a clean and orderly home is a challenge for many of us. Between busy work schedules, social obligations, and family commitments, it’s tough to keep up with daily chores—let alone larger seasonal tasks.

The effort is worthwhile, however. A sanitary environment can keep you and your family healthier by minimizing your exposure to germs and allergens.1 Plus, researchers have found that organized, uncluttered homes have quantifiable mental health benefits, too, including reduced stress, improved emotional regulation, and increased productivity.

The reality is, we enjoy our homes more when they are in good order. It’s much easier to relax without piles of unopened mail or a messy kitchen reminding us of work to be done. And don’t we all feel more inclined to entertain family and friends when our homes are well-kept?

That’s why we’ve rounded up our favourite tactics—from overall strategies to little tips and tricks—for keeping things tidy without spending all our spare time cleaning. 

Set a Schedule for Daily and Weekly Cleaning

We’ve all been there—you put off vacuuming or mopping your floor for a few days, only to realize that weeks have passed. Creating a cleaning schedule that works for you is the best way to stay on top of things and avoid overwhelm. Here are a few of our favourite strategies:

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My Home Didn’t Sell! Now What?

My Home Didn’t Sell! Now What?

When it comes to listing your home, most home sellers want three things: 1) to make a lot of money, 2) to put in minimal time and effort, and 3) to sell quickly. But the reality is, selling a home is rarely that simple. And homeowners who try to do it themselves—or receive bad advice—can end up stuck (months later) with a property that hasn’t sold. 

If that’s you, don’t panic! We’ve outlined the top five reasons a home doesn’t sell—and action steps you can take to overcome each of these issues. 

Not sure why your property didn’t sell? If you’re not already working with an agent or your listing has expired or been withdrawn, give us a call! We’d be happy to offer a free, no-obligation assessment and create an action plan to get your home SOLD. 

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Top 6 Home Design Trends To Watch in 2023

Over the past few years, many of us have spent extra time at home—and that means we  appreciate the personal design touches that make a house cozy and comfortable more than  ever. Some of us have adapted our dwellings in new ways, from creating functional home  offices to upgrading the appliances we use most.  

But while it’s important to make your home your own, it’s also smart to think about the long-term  impact your renovations could have on its value. Choosing highly-personalized fixtures and  finishes can make it harder for future homebuyers to envision themselves in the space. Even if  you don’t plan to sell your home soon, investing in popular design choices that are likely to  stand the test of time will make things easier down the road.  

And if you’re in the market for a new home, it’s wise to keep an eye out for features that might  need to be updated soon so you can factor renovation costs into your budget. 

We’ve rounded up six trends that we think will influence interior design in 2023, as well as ideas  for how you might incorporate them in your own home. Remember, before taking action, it’s  always wise to consult with a real estate professional to understand how specific updates and  upgrades will affect your property’s value in your local market.

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7 Tips to Maximize Your Home’s Sale Price

Over the past few years, a real estate buying frenzy bid up home prices to eye-popping amounts. However, as mortgage rates have risen, buyer demand has cooled. Consequently, home sellers who enter the market today may need to reset their expectations. The reality is, it’s no longer enough to stick a “for sale” sign in the yard and wait for buyers to bang down the door. If you want to net the most money possible for your property in today’s market, you’ll need an effective game plan and a skilled team of professionals to implement it.

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Buy Now or Rent Longer?

5 Questions to Answer
Before Purchasing Your First Home

Deciding whether to jump into the housing market or rent instead is rarely an easy decision – especially if you’re a first-time homebuyer. But in today’s whirlwind market, you may find it particularly challenging to pinpoint the best time to start exploring homeownership.  

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8 Strategies to Secure a Lower Mortgage Rate

Why has the impact been so widespread? In part, due to the rising popularity of variable rate mortgages. According to the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, in the latter half of last year, the majority of mortgage borrowers opted for a variable over a fixed interest rate.

Variable mortgages are typically pegged to the lender’s prime rate, which means they are immediately affected by rising interest rates. Homeowners with fixed mortgages aren’t impacted as quickly because their interest rate is locked in, but they will face higher rates, as well, when their mortgages are up for renewal. And many homebuyers are finding it increasingly difficult to afford or even qualify for a mortgage at today’s elevated rates.

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10 Pro Tips for a Smooth Home Move

The process of buying a new home can be both exhilarating and exhausting. But the journey doesn’t stop when you close on your property. On the contrary, you still have quite a bit to do before you can begin the process of settling into your new place.

Fortunately, you don’t have to do everything in a day. You don’t have to do it all alone, either. When you work with us to sell or purchase a home, you’ll have an ally by your side long after your transaction has closed. We’ll continue to be a resource, offering advice and referrals whenever you need them on packing, hiring movers and contractors, and acclimating to your new home and neighbourhood.

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